just a few snapshots from touring the venue sarah & john chose for their wedding. it's really lovely. they toured it last week with my mom but i had to see it with my own eyes to get a better idea of what we need and don't need. i didn't want to post too many photos and give it away too much. just some bits & pieces. i feel like all i think about anymore is wedding stuff. i am certainly thankful for shared google documents and the iphone notepad.
also, i have a little work-in-progress fox mask for the photobooth i have been working on. my sewing machine only let me get half way finished before it snapped my last two needles. not sure what is going on but i should be able to finish this prototype up this weekend, if all goes well.
i hope everyone has a lovely weekend. i am super excited to head to the beach on wednesday with ian and emily. it's always good to get away.
xo, emily